Application form

NSF Telecom develops business-critical telecom services. We are constantly on the lookout for talent, among them software designers, test engineers and sales professionals. We value a passion for creating new and learning as well as skills in teamwork.

We offer:

  • Challenging and diverse customer projects
  • Cozy working environment and colleagues at Westend
  • Flexibility in working hours: part-time, full-time or flex
  • Internship and thesis opportunities


Fill in the application form
Describe your educational background. Latest first. Give name of the university/school and faculty or department, start and end year, major and minor.
Skill and level (basics - satisfactory - good - excellent). Are you familiar with e.g. programming languages (java, c(++), html, css, javascript, php, delphi etc.), telecom knowledge (protocols, network technologies etc.), usability/user experience design skills etc.?
Language and level of skill (basics - satisfactory - good - excellent - mother tongue)
Describe your previous work experience. Give name of the employer, start and end time, title and describe briefly your tasks and responsibilities. Latest first.
And finally the most important: tell us about You. What are your strengths, future plans, hobbies etc.? If you have references you can put them here too.
You can attach your CV (in pdf, doc, docx or odf format)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: odf pdf doc docx.